SUMMIT NAME: Beyond the Contrast: Practical Tools to Shift into Well-Being SUMMIT : January 1, 2024 - February 11, 2024
Anything that we do not want or that does not feel good to us is contrast. Contrast comes in infinite situations, circumstances or experiences. We can have contrast in our physical bodies with pain or disease. We can have contrast in our finances, careers, or relationships. We can experience contrast in our mindset and emotions. Contrast is a life experience, but resistance to the contrast is optional. When you learn practical tools how to shift your resistance to the contrast, the contrast changes. Everything is energy, and all energy carries a vibration. That consistent vibration creates what we experience or draw to us. When we shift the energy, we shift our contrast. You can go beyond the contrast and flow what you want in your life and less of what you don't. This summit will give practical tools for any contrasting experience so you can live the life you love living, even when something you don't want shows up in your experience.