DESCRIPTION: How would you like 4 days of guidance on building and enhancing your speaking success from 40 world-class experts -- for the cost of absolutely NOTHING? Well that’s what on tap for you April 13-16 at SpeakerFest—the virtual super summit for hopeful, emerging and even veteran speakers—leaders looking to flourish and expand using speaking to grow their businesses or ramp up their speaking engagement calendars.
Hear experts Sam Horn, Suzanne Evans, Maria Diamond, Lisa Sasevich, Bill Walsh, Susie Carder, Michelle Villalobos, Debbie Allen, Tim Gard, Steve Lowell, Elizabeth McCormick, Sunjay Nath, Vincent Phipps and many more…including several Hall of Fame speakers! Just think what these folks can teach you! Get up to speed on stage delivery, enrollment, finding your gigs, getting booked, monetizing, and building your speaker-drive business from live and virtual platforms. Stop struggling and take your speaking to the next level! Check out the rest of the line-up and get registered at !