Many entrepreneurs have consuming plenty of marketing content. They've watched videos. They've read books. They've attended webinars. They've gone to summits. They've got lots of information, but they're not taking action.
The purpose of this summit is to provide them actionable information which they can take action on immediately. If you're talking to them about creating a brand statement, then they should actually create a brand statement during your presentation. If you're talking about going Live on Facebook, then they should do a Live during your talk.
This is not the Learn About Stuff Marketing Interactive Summit. This is the Get Stuff Done Marketing Interactive Summit.
You may want to provide some theory and context for what you will have them do, but every presentation must include a piece of action that that the audience can take immediately. In your application, please include in the description of your talk what action your audience will take during your talk. This is both so we know that you will be a good fit, and also so we can use this to promote the event.