PRODUCT LAUNCH: College Prep & Success Online Summit
PRODUCT LAUNCH DATES: October 31st, 2022 to November 7th, 2022
DESCRIPTION: The summit will offer pre-recorded videos of both (30-50 minute) trainings/talks/webinars by, and interviews with, experts whose expertise contributes to student success in any way. These can be typical high school and college topics (academics, athletics, military recruiting, etc) and atypical (parent-teen relationships, empty nest, sleep habits, health, mind-shift, mindfulness, etc.)
Benefits: Parents will come away with actionable steps that lead to their student's success in school and in life, and a freebie opt-in offered by each expert.
Price: $125 admin fee for experts. Required 3 emails to your list in the week prior to the event. Free for parents to attend, will be offered a VIP upgrade for $47.
Commission: 50% of the VIP fee (less credit card processing fees.)
Target Audience: U.S. Parents with middle school, high school, and college-age kids.
Looking for both Expert speakers and JV partners to promote.