PRODUCT LAUNCH DATES: December 20, 2021 to January 11, 2022
DESCRIPTION: The Mission-Driven Mastermind™ is for Change Makers, Movement Makers, and Messengers who want to Mix, Mingle, and Mastermind with other Purpose-Driven Professionals who share similar: Vision, Values, & Virtues. Main Event = January 11th and 12th. VIP Day = January 14th. We are focused on attracting "the right people" who have a deep desire to make the world a much better place at a much faster pace. To show our commitment to being a catalyst for caring & compassionate conversations, we are waiving our normal $2,997 ticket price in exchange for a small donation to charity. The last Mastermind we hosted, we raised enough money to build a brand new school for children in Vietnam. Yes. We offer affiliate program for people who attend and may eventually purchase our "Ripple of Impact Intensive" 3-Month Experience. ;-)