Bonus Items for the Joint Venture Directory
Thanks for Enrolling in our Joint Venture Directory. When you signed up for our directory, we were providing several bonus items for you to access.
This page provides you with details on how to access Bonus Items .
For any questions or assistance, email [email protected]
BONUS 1: Tom Antion training Program How to Approach Joint Venture Partners Even If you Don’t have a big mailing email list
To listen to this program, click here
To download this audio, right mouse click here:
BONUS 2: Four Live Training classes with David Riklan and Mark Porteous on how to find Joint Venture Partners.(Value is $200)
All of the details about accessing this program can be found on our calendar by going here,
BONUS 3: Automatic Approval for our Affiliate program with a 40% commission. (Value is $297)
To Sign up for the Affiliate Program, go here,
BONUS 4: 30-minute Joint Venture coaching call with Mark Porteous or David Riklan to help you use our JV Directory more effectively (Value is $250)
To Sign up for your 30 Minute Joint Venture Coaching Call, schedule a call by going to:
BONUS 5: Full Access to for 12 months.
This includes access to all of our training calls and Virtual Networking.
BONUS 6: Two Direct Promotions On Twitter to 60,000 people ($400)
To get your Tweets, send an email to [email protected]
BONUS 7: 30-minute Joint Venture coaching call with Tom Antion
To schedule a 30 minute coaching call with Tom Antion, send an email to [email protected] . In the subject line, Type in "Bonus for Joint Venture Directory". You will need to send Tom several days and times that you are available to speak. Please put the times in East Coast time.
To listen to this program, click here
To download this audio, right mouse click here:
BONUS 2: Four Live Training classes with David Riklan and Mark Porteous on how to find Joint Venture Partners.(Value is $200)
All of the details about accessing this program can be found on our calendar by going here,
BONUS 3: Automatic Approval for our Affiliate program with a 40% commission. (Value is $297)
To Sign up for the Affiliate Program, go here,
BONUS 4: 30-minute Joint Venture coaching call with Mark Porteous or David Riklan to help you use our JV Directory more effectively (Value is $250)
To Sign up for your 30 Minute Joint Venture Coaching Call, schedule a call by going to:
BONUS 5: Full Access to for 12 months.
This includes access to all of our training calls and Virtual Networking.
BONUS 6: Two Direct Promotions On Twitter to 60,000 people ($400)
To get your Tweets, send an email to [email protected]
BONUS 7: 30-minute Joint Venture coaching call with Tom Antion
To schedule a 30 minute coaching call with Tom Antion, send an email to [email protected] . In the subject line, Type in "Bonus for Joint Venture Directory". You will need to send Tom several days and times that you are available to speak. Please put the times in East Coast time.